EBC Social EDITION Join our exclusive side event at EBC in Barcelona on Wednesday September 25

What can we learn from the DMM Bitcoin “leak”?

It was already Friday afternoon in Japan when crypto exchange DMM Bitcoin released a statement saying that it had lost over 4,500 bitcoin or just over $300 million. The statement euphemistically called […]

Why Seed Phrase Security Should Be Priority Number One

Private keys are the backbone of digital asset security as they provide the means by which transactions are signed. Without private keys, institutions cannot access their cryptocurrency or initiate transactions. Similar to […]

Don’t Mitigate Counterparty Risk – Eliminate It!

The emergence of digital assets has unlocked a plethora of possibilities for financial institutions. By incorporating cryptocurrencies into their portfolio, financial institutions can not only profit from offering equivalent services for an […]

Understanding Digital Asset Insurance: What You Need to Know

In recent years, institutions have begun embracing digital assets as an alternative investment class. However, this emerging asset class also presents unique challenges and risks, such as cyber security threats and theft. […]

The People Behind The Tech

Daniel Marks – Frontend Team Lead This is the fourth blog in our series, the People Behind the Tech, where we share a sneak peek at the all-stars behind our market-leading digital […]

Front and Center at Money 2020 Europe

Money 20/20 Europe is around the corner (June 6th to be precise) and the team is gearing up to take center stage at this prestigious event. Organizers expect over 7,500 attendees, representing […]

The People Behind the Tech

Nadav Schleifer – CFO This is the third blog in our series, the People Behind the Tech, where we share a sneak peek at the all-stars behind our market-leading digital asset custody […]

Cryptocurrency Crime Statistics: A Visual Guide

Ever since the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto set out the case for a decentralized, trustless blockchain where everyone held their own account and transactions were verified by anyone who wanted to take part, […]

The winners (and losers) of the latest banking crisis

Following an unprecedented 2022, 2023 was supposed to put the financial sector back on track. Indeed, 2023 was looking particularly promising, at least until a little over a week ago. NASDAQ indices […]

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